17 January 2009

Sea Monsters - A Prehistoric Adventure

Sea Monsters - A Prehistoric Adventure | 699MB

HD264 rip | 912 x 512 | 00:39:34 | English

Product Description
For nearly 200 million years while dinosaurs roamed the Earth, the seas teemed with some of the most awe-inspiring ocean creatures of all time. Sea Monsters, a National Geographic Giant Screen film, is an entertaining journey into prehistoric oceans. Inter-cutting between the animated story and the reenactments of fossil discoveries combine the appeal of "Indiana Jones" with the CGI that brings these prehistoric monsters to life. Perfect for the whole family.

For the child who knows the difference between a diplodocus and an apatosaurus (or for the adult who remembers a youthful obsession with dinosaurs), National Geographic's Sea Monsters: A Prehistoric Adventure will be a delight. This 40-minute special explores the less-familiar world of the prehistoric oceans, filled with predatory Platecarpi, gentle Protostegas, and cold-eyed Xiphactini. The story follows a newborn Dolichorhynchops (a short-necked plesiosaur that looks a little like a dolphin crossed with the Loch Ness Monster) as she matures into adolescence and adulthood, surviving encounters with sharks and the fearsome Tylosaurus, who's sort of the T-Rex of the deep. Juxtaposed with these vivid CGI recreations are staged depictions of paleontological digs throughout the 20th century that unveiled the bones of these ancient deep-sea beasties. It's irrefutable: Dinosaurs are compulsively fun to learn about, and the prehistoric creatures of the ocean are no exception. --Bret Fetzer

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